technology is out to get you and it makes it harder. yes, workflow is important, but damn, when things don’t work (and let’s face it, there’s always a new update, some service that’s down, some interface that has changed completely (i’m looking at you, @descript) or some new competing product you should check out because it’ll change the way you… Read more →

You are perfect as you are, and only getting better
The good thing about Monday mornings is reading an email from Mark Manson. Today, he made mention about how life will always have a tension between being perfect as you are right now, and the the call to personal improvement. What a nice reminder to wake up to. As I thought about this concept, I found it entered my Morning… Read more →

A Post About Parking
I went to the mall the other day. I know, malls are dead, but stay with me. It was a busy day for a Thursday, or maybe I just don’t go to malls that often. Regardless, there wasn’t a lot of parking. Sure, there was some way out in nowheresville, but I wanted something close to the entrance. As I… Read more →

Comfortable with Discomfort
When I first wrote this, I had just listened to a podcast between Tim Ferris and Derek Sivers. I’ve since listened Derek’s podcast with James Altucher. Derek can be found at and you’ll want to find him because he’s very positive and he’s accomplished a lot without having to be an asshole or stress himself out too much. In… Read more →

Befriend Your Future Self
Want to accomplish more and actually like yourself more? Live in the moment, and do a ton of favors for your Future Self. Like, you’ve got to fall deeply, madly in-love with your Future Self. And it might be good to show some appreciation to your Former Self as well, because that person did a lot for you, and really… Read more →

Burning Pleaserville to the Ground
Here’s a problem a lot of nice people run into. They spend a good chunk of their life living for other people because maybe they grew up in a religious household, or maybe they had overly-strict parents, or maybe they were afraid of failing, so they learned to play life safe; small. If they do something wrong, they aren’t to… Read more →

God isn’t Dead–God is You
When I was young, I had life figured out. I knew that God Heavenly Father had a plan for me. I knew the Book of Mormon was the word of God, and that it was translated from Golden Plates by Joseph Smith. I knew, also, that Joseph Smith had seen God, the Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ. Plus all… Read more →

Every Virtue Has a Vice (and vice-versa)
Look, I know there are times you feel ineffective, or lazy. There are times you binge on netflix while you should be working, or you eat cereal at the end of the day and don’t stop. Or is that just me? Maybe you drink too much. Maybe you’re rude to strangers. Rude to friends. You don’t make enough money. You… Read more →

How To Make a Morning Routine
Morning routines are awesome. Do you know how I know this? Because I read about them all the time. People always talking about the morning routines of various famous and successful and famously-successful people. It’s obvious to the enlightened among us that if you want to accomplish anything in this life, then you need a morning routine. I’m going to… Read more →

My Fix for the Suicide Problem
I didn’t hear that Kate Spade had died until late in the evening. My wife told me. She found out on facebook or instagram or something. The way that I discover news is by hearing it by friends on Slack or by my wife. I haven’t found that I miss out on much. But, arguably, I’m rarely the first to… Read more →