Want to accomplish more and actually like yourself more? Live in the moment, and do a ton of favors for your Future Self. Like, you’ve got to fall deeply, madly in-love with your Future Self. And it might be good to show some appreciation to your Former Self as well, because that person did a lot for you, and really… Read more →
Category: advice
Burning Pleaserville to the Ground
Here’s a problem a lot of nice people run into. They spend a good chunk of their life living for other people because maybe they grew up in a religious household, or maybe they had overly-strict parents, or maybe they were afraid of failing, so they learned to play life safe; small. If they do something wrong, they aren’t to… Read more →
How To Make a Morning Routine
Morning routines are awesome. Do you know how I know this? Because I read about them all the time. People always talking about the morning routines of various famous and successful and famously-successful people. It’s obvious to the enlightened among us that if you want to accomplish anything in this life, then you need a morning routine. I’m going to… Read more →
Your Dream is only 7 Years Away
I went to a startup conference a few weeks ago. I know what you’re thinking – my life must be super-interesting if I’m attending something so riveting as a startup conference. Just shut up and listen, ok? The conference itself was…it was fine. Truth is, many of the entrepreneurs’ stories left me feeling discouraged. But that’s actually a good thing… Read more →
Stop Dating the Wrong Person
Have you ever known somebody who is looking for a long-term relationships, but they keep dating people that aren’t right for them? And sometimes they find someone they’re really attracted to. Someone they really like. Someone they connect with and have chemistry with. But they know this person isn’t looking for the same things in life. But they are in… Read more →
5 Signs He Might Be Your Next Husband (aka Settling for Success)
Life is a gamble. You don’t know what will happen. If you want a relationship, you have no guarantee that the person you fall in love with will actually make a good partner. If you are having trouble getting into a relationship with a person you are strongly attracted to, and the clock is ticking, and you want kids, it’s… Read more →
Getting Past that One Block to Accomplishment
I suffer from self-delusions of someday becoming a famous author. Of making millions off of the words that I write. These types of fantasies have happened since I was 7. Except, when I was 7, I had my whole life ahead of me and I knew that for sure I would achieve my dreams (my dreams back then consisted of… Read more →
Don’t Trust Me
What I say will change from time to time. My advice will change. My wisdom will flip flop. Yours should too. I don’t trust consistent people. They’re robots. It’s funny that we demand consistency from others. I guess, if we need to plan our future with people, we want to be able to sign on to a platform that we… Read more →