What I say will change from time to time.
My advice will change.
My wisdom will flip flop.
Yours should too.
I don’t trust consistent people. They’re robots.
It’s funny that we demand consistency from others. I guess, if we need to plan our future with people, we want to be able to sign on to a platform that we think will take us where we want to go.
And yet, is that really the way we should set up any relationship?
Should we not look at a person and ask if we resonate with their character and their life experience. And if we do, then we hire them for the job, trusting that they’ll make the kind of decision we would hope we could make in their shoes. Trusting that as they go through life, they will change their decisions based on information presented to them. Trusting that they will have integrity and be open, honest and transparent.
Integrity and consistency are not the same thing.
If there is anything that should be consistent it is integrity, honesty, candor. But not an opinion. Not a position. I want the people in my life to be stronger than that; to be more open minded than that.
It’s what I will try to offer here.
Though, I don’t profess to be that strong.
I can’t promise that my desire to be liked, my desire for approval and affirmation won’t exceed my commitment to be honest, vulnerable, and open.
But that is my intent.
It’s sincere.
Let’s see if I can pull it off.
Let’s see if any of us can pull it off.