i’m reading Seneca. ok, I’m reading excerpts of Seneca. but I plan on reading more. i have a confession: i’m a squanderer. a squanderer of precious, precious time and attention. on the whole, depending on the comparisons i choose to look at, i think i’ve done pretty well with my life. truth is, i’ve felt restless for most of my… Read more →
Getting Past that One Block to Accomplishment
I suffer from self-delusions of someday becoming a famous author. Of making millions off of the words that I write. These types of fantasies have happened since I was 7. Except, when I was 7, I had my whole life ahead of me and I knew that for sure I would achieve my dreams (my dreams back then consisted of… Read more →
Potential is Prettier than Production. And That Sucks….
i have a problem. i have written so. many. amazing. blog posts. well, the first few lines of so. many. [potentially] amazing. blog posts. and once i’ve had the satisfaction of getting the idea’s nugget on paper, i stop. i think it’s because a promising idea has potential for greatness if it will remain an idea with a start. but… Read more →
i wasted the first 40 years of my life and i’m only 38.
the first 12 years of my life weren’t my fault. in fact, that could maybe be said for the first 21. i say that, but the truth is i wish i had made different decisions back when i was really young. i grew up mormon. i was such a pleaser. SUCH a pleaser. i did everything i thought i was… Read more →
Don’t Trust Me
What I say will change from time to time. My advice will change. My wisdom will flip flop. Yours should too. I don’t trust consistent people. They’re robots. It’s funny that we demand consistency from others. I guess, if we need to plan our future with people, we want to be able to sign on to a platform that we… Read more →
I Am Not Tim Ferris.
I am not Tim Ferriss. But I like him. I am inspired by him. Inspired by the people he interviews on his podcast. I read his book and it unlocked a part of me I thought was lost. A part of me I wish I hadn’t given up. A part of me that finds hope in accomplishment. I am inspired… Read more →