Time is Tricky

i’m reading Seneca. ok, I’m reading excerpts of Seneca. but I plan on reading more. i have a confession: i’m a squanderer. a squanderer of precious, precious time and attention. on the whole, depending on the comparisons i choose to look at, i think i’ve done pretty well with my life. truth is, i’ve felt restless for most of my… Read more →

Getting Past that One Block to Accomplishment

I suffer from self-delusions of someday becoming a famous author. Of making millions off of the words that I write. These types of fantasies have happened since I was 7. Except, when I was 7, I had my whole life ahead of me and I knew that for sure I would achieve my dreams (my dreams back then consisted of… Read more →

Don’t Trust Me

What I say will change from time to time. My advice will change. My wisdom will flip flop. Yours should too. I don’t trust consistent people. They’re robots. It’s funny that we demand consistency from others. I guess, if we need to plan our future with people, we want to be able to sign on to a platform that we… Read more →

I Am Not Tim Ferris.

I am not Tim Ferriss. But I like him. I am inspired by him. Inspired by the people he interviews on his podcast. I read his book and it unlocked a part of me I thought was lost. A part of me I wish I hadn’t given up. A part of me that finds hope in accomplishment. I am inspired… Read more →